Summarizes findings from focus groups.
Outlines recommendations for how jurisdictions can understand Family First’s policy requirements for trauma-informed approaches and ensure that implementation of the law meets the trauma-related needs of children, youth and families.
Offers details about using trauma-informed child welfare practice to improve placement stability.
Highlights key points for providers, family advocates, and policymakers to understand about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and child trauma. This resource was adapted from...
Describes promising approaches to implementing trauma-informed child welfare practice to improve placement stability for children in foster care.
Offers guidance to child-serving behavioral health organizations and professionals who serve communities affected by disaster and terrorism events.
Highlights the importance of parent-child relationships and how to use treatment as a way to build these relationships.
Describes the prevalence of trauma exposure and service use among NCTSN children in the Core Data Set and offers the study's results, recommendations, and policy implications.
Discusses military culture and the unique stressors faced by military families.
Engaging Families in Child & Youth Mental Health: A Review of Best, Emerging and Promising Practices
Reviews best practices for engaging children and families in mental health treatment.