Advocates and educates about needs and rights of children born with intersex traits and those that care for them.
Provides confidential peer support, education, and advocacy to LGBTQ+ people, their parents, caregivers, families, and allies.
Offers teachers, caregivers, anyone who works with children in any capacity resources including, animated videos, activities, and resources focused on online safety education for children.
Assists mental health agencies with navigating and understanding The California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare (CEBC) website.
Provides information about using Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) with children and families who have experienced childhood traumatic grief.
Summarizes findings from focus groups.
Educates policymakers about the scope and impact of childhood trauma, offers effective solutions that can be implemented with the support of trauma-informed public policy, and provides information about additional resources.
Offers training on the various components of Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
Informs policymakers and the public about the costs of child trauma, child maltreatment, and adversity.
Demonstrates intervention strategies with children and adults after a terrorist event or disaster.