Focuses on complex trauma and polyvictimization.
Provides parents and caregivers with tools to help them support children who have been victims of sexual abuse, information on the importance of talking to children and youth about body safety, and guidance on how to respond when children disclose
Explores several programs and projects, including innovative community-based initiatives, designed to support the behavioral health of military veterans and their families.
Discusses culture, context, and perspective as related to the treatment of child traumatic grief.
Focuses on partnering with schools to enhance mental health and trauma-informed services designed to inform both school personnel and mental health professionals about the impact of traumatic events.
Describes what comprehensive care for children in the child welfare system looks like.
Explores the rationale for and utility of screening and assessing for trauma in child welfare setting.
Presenters describe the essential components of family-informed trauma treatment in this webinar.
Describes the utility of screening and assessment for trauma in juvenile justice settings.
Describes ways military families communicate during and after deployment.