Provides caregivers guidance about how to address the impending death of a loved one due to COVID-19. This fact sheet offers information on anticipating a death, preparing a child for the death, and saying goodbye.
Provides parents with information on how to talk to children about domestic violence. This fact sheet discusses how to keep children safe and respond to their fears.
Offers juvenile justice professionals ways to care for themselves during the pandemic. This fact sheet includes questions to ask when monitoring stress as well as do’s and don’ts for strengthening resilience and caring for yourself and others.
Gives questions for youth to answer to determine if they have experienced community violence.
Outlines how to use the Pediatric Medical Traumatic Stress Toolkit for Health Care Providers effectively.
Provides military parents and caregivers with several ways to mitigate the negative effects of deployment including maintaining well-being, fostering positive family dynamics, and using effective parenting strategies.
Discusses Islamophobia and hate-based violence against Muslims, highlights strategies that parents and caregivers can usd to facilitate effective conversations, offers age-specific guidelines, and provides actions families and communities can take before an event occurs.
Defines and answers commonly-asked questions about child sexual abuse. This fact sheet outlines myths and facts about child sexual abuse and provides tips to help protect children.
Provides suggestions that resource parents can use to recognize how trauma may have impacted the way birth parents parent.
Provides guidance to judges and attorneys on how to recognize trauma and its effects on birth parents. This fact sheet helps judges and attorneys recognize the potential impact of trauma on parenting.