Identifies existing NCTSN resources related to race and trauma. The list includes fact sheets and resource guides, offering information and suggestions for supporting African American children and families who have experienced trauma.
Outlines recommendations for how jurisdictions can understand Family First’s policy requirements for trauma-informed approaches and ensure that implementation of the law meets the trauma-related needs of children, youth and families.
The Power of Parenting During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Addressing Fears and Feelings from Prior Losses
Provides caregivers guidance about how to address fears and feelings of prior losses that are coming up during COVID-19. This fact sheet offers information on loss and trauma reminders, coping with separation, and the mind body connection.
Provides caregivers guidance about how to address the impending death of a loved one due to COVID-19. This fact sheet offers information on anticipating a death, preparing a child for the death, and saying goodbye.
Provides caregivers guidance on mourning a death of a loved one due to COVID-19.
Offers information for youth to help them understand the differences between grief and traumatic grief, the signs and symptoms of traumatic grief in children and youth, and what to do to feel better.
Provides information for youth about separation distress, when separation can be traumatic for children and youth, traumatic reactions to separation, and what to do to feel better.
Features Andrew Woods, a clinician with over two decades of experience working with boys and men of color.
Offers military parents and caregivers information about military youth substance use.
Features Dr. Wizdom Powell, who has worked to advance health equity for boys and men of color.