Provides information about suicide among refugees. The RHTAC website includes basic information about refugees, physical and mental health among refugees, access to healthcare, and training materials and resources.
Offers information about risk and protective factors as related to suicide and refugee children and adolescents. This fact sheet gives strategies for talking with refugee children and adolescents about suicide.
Offers tips to therapists who work with LGBTQ youth experiencing self-injury and suicidal ideation.
Offers military parents information about military youth suicide.
Provides information to parents and caregivers on how to talk to children about a suicide death.
Provides information to support youth talking about suicide with friends and peers. This fact sheet includes what you can do, action words, skills for getting help, as well as myths and facts about how to help as a peer.
Provides information to help youth practice self-care. This fact sheet includes information on what it means to take care of yourself, as well as recommended hotlines and conversation starters.
Provides information to help youth know what words to use when talking about suicide with friends and peers. This fact sheet includes when you should ask, examples of what to say, when to get help, as well as next steps.
Con qué palabras hablar del suicidio: ofrece información para ayudar a los jóvenes a saber qué vocabulario usar cuando hable del suicidio con amigos y pares.
Cuidar de uno mismo: ofrece información para ayudar a los jóvenes a cuidarse a sí mismos.