Includes articles that range from a report on teen suicide screening and intervention to new resources for bringing an LGBTQ lens to trauma-informed care.
Includes articles that range from how NCTSN leadership and missions are linked with other trauma-focused organizations, such as the International Society for the Study of Traumatic Stress.
Has a special focus on schools. This edition of the newsletter includes a look at the Breakthrough Series Collaborative on Trauma-Informed Schools.
Offers a glimpse into the diverse work that our Network members do. In this vein, we profile one of our long-time members, Alicia F. Lieberman, PhD, a child mental health pioneer, as well as Rebecca Frances Hoffmann, an active Affiliate member.
Profiles Irene Clements, an extraordinary foster parent and family advocate, and reports on Rhode Island Family Service, which maintains its "Go Team" ride-along partnership with the police department.
Brings a raft of stories about our ongoing work to help families and children deal with trauma amid the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Gives you an inside look at the work done by individual and agency leaders.
Offers helpful resources and inspiring reports abound in the March issue of IMPACT, where we spotlight NCTSN members, including Affiliates, who have raised the bar around innovative ways to help children and families during the pandemic.
Is filled with examples of NCTSN commitment. You'll read about Dr. Ellen Gerrity and her 18 years of service as the Network's Senior Policy Advisor, and the efforts of Affiliate member Nancy Fitzgerald to focus on teachers and students.
Highlights Affiliate members who are taking more leading roles and expanding the reach of the Network; a former resource parent who now co-chairs a collaborative group; two grantees that joined during the pandemic; and the dedication of the Anti-Racism Summit Initiative faculty who have...