AF-CBT is a trauma-informed, evidence-based treatment designed to improve the relationships between children and caregivers.
CPC-CBT is a short-term, strengths-based therapy program for children ages 3-17 and their parents (or caregivers) in families where parents engage in a continuum of coercive parenting strategies.
PCIT is an evidenced-based treatment model with highly specified, step-by-step, live coached sessions with both the parent/caregiver and the child. Parents learn skills through PCIT didactic sessions.
Highlights the importance of parent-child relationships and how to use treatment as a way to build these relationships.
Outlines the causes and consequences of child abuse. This video describes how family-focused interventions can help families make a new beginning.
Provides parents with information on the negative impact of physical punishment, and introduces parents to effective alternatives to physically disciplining their children.
Offers parents, caregivers, and providers answers to commonly asked questions about child physical abuse.
Provides parents and caregivers with information about disciplining children.
Explains the prevalence and consequences of child physical abuse. This fact sheet offers guidance on how to recognize and help children who are being physically abused.
Provides statistics for child abuse and neglect in the United States, outlines how to recognize a variety of injuries suggestive of child physical abuse, and highlights the basic diagnostic evaluation necessary to evaluate a child for physical abu