The BORRTI is a widely used measure designed to evaluate individuals for personality and thought disorders.
The PSI is a very well-researched and widely used measure of parenting stress, which has been shown to be sensitive to intervention effects across a variety of studies, populations, and treatments.
The Attachment Style Classification Questionnaire is a 15-item self-report questionnaire based on the Hebrew version (Hazan & Shaver, 1987) of the Attachment Questionnaire (AQ).
The PECFAS is a measure of functional impairment related to behavioral, emotional, psychological, or psychiatric problems.
The SDQ is a widely and internationally used brief behavioralscreening instrument assessing child positive and negative attributes across 5 scales: 1) Emotional Symptoms, 2) Conduct Problems, 3) Hyperactivity/Inattention, 4) Peer Problems, 5) Pros
The TABS is the revised version of the Traumatic Stress Institute (TSI) Belief Scale and was designed for use with individuals who have experienced traumatic events.
The DERS is a brief, 36-item, self-report questionnaire designed to assess multiple aspects of emotion dysregulation. The measure yields a total score as well as scores on six scales derived through factor analysis.
The SDQ is a widely and internationally used brief behavioral screening instrument assessing child positive and negative attributes across 5 scales: 1) Emotional Symptoms, 2) Conduct Problems, 3) Hyperactivity/Inattention, 4) Peer Problems, 5) Pro
The NCTSN CANS provides a comprehensive assessment of the type and severity of clinical and psychosocial factors that may impact treatment decisions and outcomes.
This measure is a brief version of the Parenting Stress Index (Abidin, 1995), a widely used and well-researched measure of parenting stress (the full PSI is also reviewed in this database). The PSI-SF has 36 items from the original 120-item PSI.