The Youth Self-Report (YSR) is a widely used child-report measure that assesses problem behaviors along two “broadband scales”: Internalizing and Externalizing.
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The TESI assesses exposure to potentially traumatic events including non-interpersonal (accident, illness, disaster), interpersonal (abuse; neglect, witnessing family or community violence, peer/sibling victimization, kidnapping, war, parental impairment) and loss (primary caregiver, family members).
The CTS is a 10-item screening measure of trauma exposure and PTSD symptoms consistent with DSM-5 criteria for children age 6-17 (age 3-6 version is in development).
To assess broad scope of victimization in childhood and adolescence.
The CASA is a rater-report measure designed to assess child/adolescent status with regard to 30 potential strengths, for use in mental health service planning and delivery.