Screens children ages 0-5 for risk factors associated with traumatic stress.
Offers details on how early childhood trauma is unique, the scope of the problem, as well as the symptoms and behaviors associated with exposure to trauma at an early age.
Discusses the many transitions experienced by, and the challenges transitions pose for, young traumatized children in the child welfare system.
Features experts in the field of early childhood trauma discussing some of the core considerations when working with this population as they relate to the DSM-5.
Describes a community system that impacts the lives of young children, addressing the context of the system and its impact on young children, as well as means to achieve effective collaborations within these systems.
Addresses the complex issues and critical needs surrounding young traumatized children in the child welfare system and those who care for them.
Discusses the need for an early childhood mental health consultation program within child care settings and describes the two types of consultation programs and the goals of each.
Introduces core concepts for enhancing diversity-informed practice. This webinar presents vignettes to highlight how each core concept can be applied to child welfare practice.
Discusses the implications of the changes in the DSM-5 as they relate to young children.
Discusses the effects physical abuse, neglect, and domestic violence have on young children.