It is important that mental health providers, family members, and other caregivers become aware of specific questions to ask when seeking the most effective services for these children.
ABC is a parent/child treatment approach designed to help caregivers provide nurturing care and engage in synchronous interactions with their infants.
Highlights three models of community-level approaches for preventing youth violence and reducing health disparities.
CDCP is a model of secondary prevention that provides crisis intervention and follow-up community- and clinic-based clinical and collaborative interventions for exposed children.
The following resources on Physical Abuse were developed by the NCTSN.
CBITS is a skills-based, child group intervention that is aimed at relieving symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, depression, and general anxiety among children exposed to multiple forms of trauma.
This section includes key resources related to child trauma policy developed by external partners, national organizations, and federal agencies.
Due to the particular developmental risks associated with young children's traumatic experiences, it is essential that vulnerable children be identified as early as possible after the trauma.
The TSCYC is a 90-item caretaker-report instrument developed for the assessment of trauma-related symptoms in children ages 3-12. It contains two reporter validity scales and eight clinical scales.