Offers information for caregivers on unconfirmed death, how it relates to forced displacement, how it is traumatic for children, and how children might respond.
Is the first appendix for the Psychological First Aid Field for Schools (PFA-S) Operations Guide.
Gives guidance on responding to disaster or terrorism events using the Psychological First Aid intervention.
Gives guidance on responding to disaster, violence, or terrorism events using the Psychological First Aid intervention.
Gives guidance on responding to disaster or terrorism events using the Psychological First Aid intervention.
Gives guidance on responding to disaster or terrorism events using the Psychological First Aid intervention.
Gives guidance on responding to disaster or terrorism events using the Psychological First Aid intervention.
Gives guidance on responding to disaster or terrorism events using the Psychological First Aid intervention.
Gives guidance on responding to disaster or terrorism events using the Psychological First Aid intervention.
In response to the recent flooding, the National Child Traumatic Stress Network has the following resources to help families and communities.