Outlines the top ten things to keep in mind when working with military families. This tip sheet includes information on family separation, stigma about mental health care, access to programs, involving peers and civilian providers and more.
Provides information on how to talk to children about mass shootings. This tip sheet describes ways to talk to children about mass violence events that involve a shooting. Translated 2022.
Outlines the history of shootings and violence in US schools.
Provides a foundation for understanding children in disasters. This webinar discusses evaluation and treatment services for traumatized children, school support services, PFA in unusual situations, resilience, and vicarious trauma.
Ha adaptado el entrenamiento de PFA en un formato de 3 horas, en Español. Luego de ver este curso en línea, los participantes recibirán 3 créditos de educación continua.
Offers tips to parents on how to help young children, toddlers, and preschoolers heal after a traumatic event.
Offers information to children on ways to help themselves and others after a tornado.
Offers information to teens on ways to help themselves and others after a tornado.
Offers information to children about how they may be feeling after a tornado and ways to cope with those feelings.