Describes common reactions to mass violence and provides tips for parents on how to care for themselves and their child. Updated March 2021.
Describes assessment strategies and evidence-based interventions for interpersonal violence in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic across development, with a focus on 1) how to ask children about their trauma experiences and responses; 2) the use of Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) for young...
Ofrece información para los padres sobre cómo hablar con los niños sobre violencia doméstica. Esta hoja informativa habla sobre cómo la violencia doméstica afecta a los niños.
Provides information about suicide risk and ethnoracial identity.
Provides community violence workers with information about secondary traumatic stress (STS).
Features James, a 16-year-old African American youth who has been living with his maternal uncle, Patrick, since he and his two younger sisters were removed from their biological parents three years ago when James reported to a teacher that his fa
Gives questions for youth to answer to determine if they have experienced community violence.
Offers parents guidance on helping their children after a mass violence event. This fact sheet describes common reactions children may have, how parents can help them, and self-care tips after a violent event.