Provides parents and providers with information about the psychological impact of tsunamis.
Details the importance of a holistic, multidisciplinary, multi-level approach to addressing the needs of youth with complex trauma in residential treatment settings.
Offers information for youth to help them understand the differences between grief and traumatic grief, the signs and symptoms of traumatic grief in children and youth, and what to do to feel better. Translated 2022.
Offers information for youth to help them understand the differences between grief and traumatic grief, the signs and symptoms of traumatic grief in children and youth, and what to do to feel better. Translated 2022.
Provides guidance to youth, parents, caregivers, and others who work with youth about talking to the media after a mass violence event.
Offers information for youth to help them understand the differences between grief and traumatic grief, the signs and symptoms of traumatic grief in children and youth, and what to do to feel better. Translated 2022.
Provides information for staff in residential treatment centers on how to understand behavior through a trauma lens.
Provides information to teens about staying safe while they are online.
Offers simple facts on bullying. This infographic outlines the different types of bullying.
Offers facts about bullying and trauma. This infographic provides facts about the relationship between bullying and trauma, as well as how being bullied can lead to PTSD.