Describes a newly developed, web-based platform to conduct screening in juvenile justice settings. This webinar highlights recent findings regarding the utilization of the web-based tool.
Explores issues of implementation and sustainability of screening and assessment in an already over-burdened child welfare system.
Describes the many transitions experienced by young traumatized children in the child welfare system and the challenges that they pose for young children.
Offers information on suicide, self-harm, and substance abuse prevention and treatment. This website promotes treatments that reduce the risk of serious health and behavioral health problems in youth.
Para los niños migrantes pequeños, la separación de los padres, puede peligrosamente agravar y exacerbar estresores traumáticos previos y tener efectos devastadores a corto y largo plazopara ellos.
Describes the development and implementation of guidelines for providing services to Latino families affected by trauma.
Describes the Systems of Care Initiative and how federal programs are realized at local levels.
Provides judges with information they need to know about newcomer immigrant youth and trauma. This bench card offers useful questions and guidelines to help make decisions based on the specific needs of newcomer immigrant youth.
Define la separación traumática y el duelo traumático y describe el impacto en el desarrollo en los jóvenes y niños. Además, los participantes aprenderán cómo responder a las necesidades culturales y lingüísticas de los jóvenes.
Describe como el contexto socio-cultural y las experiencias migratorias pueden impactar las experiencias de EST y propone estrategias específicas para fortalecer los factores protectores para poder prevenir, identificar y abordar el ETS en el ámbi