Cuidar de uno mismo: ofrece información para ayudar a los jóvenes a cuidarse a sí mismos.
Cómo hablar del suicidio con amigos: ofrece información de respaldo para jóvenes que conversan sobre suicidio con amigos y pares.
Ofrece un resumen general para los proveedores sobre cómo asistir a los niños y a sus familias que viven con discapacidades intelectuales y de desarrollo (intellectual and development disabilities, IDD) y han experimentado trauma. El camino a l
MATCH or MATCH-ADTC is a protocol that organizes modular manualized practices for childhood anxiety, depression, trauma, and disruptive behavior problems.
The BDI-II is a widely used 21-item self-report inventory measuring the severity of depression in adolescents and adults. The BDI-II was revised in 1996 to be more consistent with DSMIV criteria for depression.
The PSI is a very well-researched and widely used measure of parenting stress, which has been shown to be sensitive to intervention effects across a variety of studies, populations, and treatments.
Le saludamos de parte de La Red Nacional para el Estrés Traumático Infantil.
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network has developed a variety of resources for children, youth, and young adults, to explain child trauma and its effects.
September was first declared as National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month in 2008.
The Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) is a widely used 21-item self-report inventory used to assess anxiety levels in adults and adolescents.