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NCTSN Resources

The following resources on Traumatic Grief were developed by the NCTSN.

NCTSN Resource

Childhood Traumatic Grief

Type: Webinar

Discusses various topics related to childhood traumatic grief. This webinar series offers information on common reactions after loss, as well as responses that are more severe, prolonged, and interfere with a child's functioning.

NCTSN Resource

Sudden Death On a School Campus: Impact and Response

Type: Webinar

Discusses the impact of sudden death on children and the school community. This webinar provides best practices in the areas of prevention, response and recovery, school staff support, and self-care.

NCTSN Resource

Holidays, Celebrations and Traumatically Bereaved Children

Type: Webinar

Discusses the ways holidays and other personally meaningful dates can serve as trauma and grief reminders. This webinar points out how culture can dictate children's reactions to reminders and stresses the importance of therapists understanding their clients' culture.

NCTSN Resource

Schools and Grief: Helping Students Cope with Death

Type: Webinar

Focuses on childhood grief in the school setting. This webinar discusses key points about children's grief response, including physical and behavioral responses, the impact of developmental level on the grief response, impact of culture on grief, and how CTG differs from grief.
