Depicts a moment when Rose initially directs her feeling of being victimized toward her therapist.
Presents Adam, a 15-year-old Caucasian male who grew up in the suburbs outside of Chicago with his mother, father, and two sisters.
Depicts Maya, a 9-year-old girl, was referred for therapy due to numerous instances of domestic violence by her father toward her mother (some of which she witnessed), physical abuse by her father, and possible sexual abuse with no specific disclo
Presents eleven-year-old Clara in her third treatment session, sharing about the first sexual abuse she experienced.
Depicts Debbie, a 10 year old multiracial girl who lives with her 27 year old African American mother Sharon. Sharon has struggled for years with substance abuse. The family lived for several years in a shared space which was quite chaotic.
Presents Joshua, whose mom abandoned him when he was a few days old. For the first three years of his life, Joshua lived with his maternal grandmother and her partner.
Depicts a mother and her teenage daughter who have experienced severe family violence by an ex-husband/father in the past become embroiled in an intense verbal argument that escalates into sudden physical violence.
Presents three dramatized therapy sessions and hear from seasoned trauma therapists reflecting on their experiences working with clients of different racial and ethnic backgrounds.
Trauma and Race: Opportunities and Challenges for Therapists of Color Working with Families of Color
Presents three dramatized therapy sessions and hear from seasoned trauma therapists who reflect on their own experiences in working with clients of similar and different racial and ethnic backgrounds to their own.
Presents trauma experts debating and exploring the pros and cons of adopting a formal Developmental Trauma Disorder (DTD) diagnosis.