Discusses Project Fleur-de-lis (PFDL), an intermediate and long-term school-based mental health response to Hurricane Katrina.
Provides parents and caregivers with tools to help them support children who have been victims of sexual abuse, information on the importance of talking to children and youth about body safety, and guidance on how to respond when children disclose
Offers providers ways to use the CANS-Trauma Comprehensive, a tool designed to support individual service, treatment planning, and evaluation of service systems.
Provides clinicians, counselors, and other providers with insights on dealing with the most difficult crises and turning points that occur in therapy with traumatized children and families.
Describes the purpose and design of the TARGET model of trauma-focused treatment.
Describe the fundamentals of Psychological First Aid for Schools (PFA-S). This webinar offers information on how PFA-S helps to reduce the distress that school communities can experience after a disaster or violent event.
Provides an overview on how mental health professionals can work with journalists.
Features Youth Task Force members discussing Never Give Up, a video that offers hope for their peers who have experienced complex trauma.
Offers tips for media professionals covering traumatic events. This fact sheet discusses safety, managing exposure, interviewing children, and helping families with children.
Is a list of terms found within the Measures Review Database (MRD). This fact sheet defines various terms from the MRD to help users better understand the measures reviews.