Outlines the top ten things to keep in mind when working with military families. This tip sheet includes information on family separation, stigma about mental health care, access to programs, involving peers and civilian providers and more.
Offers parents, caregivers, and professionals guidance for restoring a sense of safety after a mass shooting.
Offers suggestions to educators about what can be done at a school to help a traumatized child. This tip sheet describes very practical ways school staff can help children who have experienced trauma.
Provides information about how to talk to children about mass violence.
Provides information on how to talk to children about the bombings in Boston. This tip sheet describes how to talk to children about the bombings in Boston and applies to mass violence events that involve bombings in general.
Provides information on how to talk to children about mass shootings. This tip sheet describes ways to talk to children about mass violence events that involve a shooting.
Provides information on how to talk to children about tsunamis. This tip sheet describes what a tsunami is, how warning systems for tsunamis work, and tips for parents and caregivers on how to talk to children about tsunamis.
Offers information to youth, parents, and caregivers on how to talk with journalists after a mass violence event or shooting.
Gives information to parents and caregivers about media coverage following a stabbing.