Provides information about how to talk to children about mass violence.
Offers parents, caregivers, and professionals guidance for restoring a sense of safety after a mass shooting.
Lists common reactions educators might see in the students with whom they work and suggestions on how they may help after community trauma.
Offers strategies to help parents and caregivers cope with collective traumas. This fact sheet also provides guidance on what parents and caregivers can do to care for their children as they cope. Updated May 2024.
Offers some statistics about gang-involved youth and their exposure to traumatic events.
Offers parents and caregivers information about traumatic separation and reunification, including what traumatic experiences are, how children react to trauma, and ways to heal.
Offers providers guidance on being culturally- and trauma-informed while assisting displaced Afghan families.
Outlines tips for educators after a traumatic community event. This tip sheet offers ways that youth may be feeling after experiencing a large community event and how educators can support them.
Provides information on how to talk to children about mass shootings. This tip sheet describes ways to talk to children about mass violence events that involve a shooting.
Ofrece a los padres y cuidadores información sobre la separación traumática, incluyendo qué son las experiencias traumáticas, cómo reaccionan los niños al trauma y formas de sanar.