Is a handout from Psychological First Aid for Schools (PFA-S) Field Operations Guide. This handout offers information on seeking and giving social support, specifically geared toward students.
Is a handout from Psychological First Aid for Schools (PFA-S) Field Operations Guide.
Is a handout from Psychological First Aid for Schools (PFA-S) Field Operations Guide.
Is a handout from Psychological First Aid for Schools (PFA-S) Field Operations Guide. This handout provides information on how family members can help each other after an emergency and what some common caregiver reactions are.
Is a handout from Psychological First Aid for Schools (PFA-S) Field Operations Guide. This handout offers brief tips for relaxation for adults and teens, children, and families.
Provides guidance on responding to disaster, violence, or terrorism events using the Psychological First Aid intervention.
Gives guidance on responding to disaster, violence, or terrorism events using the Psychological First Aid intervention.
Is an adapted version of Psychological First Aid for those working with youth experiencing homelessness.
Is an adapted version of Psychological First Aid for those working with families experiencing homelessness.
Provides school administrators, teachers, staff, and concerned parents with basic information about working with traumatized children in the school system.