Provides services including disaster relief and resettlement resources and promotes poverty-reduction through research and legislative reform.
Provides legal counsel for unaccompanied refugee and immigrant children in the US.
Provides instructions for filing a Civil Rights Complaint through the website of the US Department of Health and Human Services.
Provides information and resources offered by the Center, which is dedicated to understanding and promoting the healthy adjustment of refugee children and adolescents who have resettled in the United States.
Offers information about risk and protective factors as related to suicide and refugee children and adolescents. This fact sheet gives strategies for talking with refugee children and adolescents about suicide.
Defines traumatic separation and grief and outlines the developmental impacts on youth. Additionally, participants will learn how to be responsive to the cultural and linguistic needs of youth.
Provides a basic overview of the intersection of early childhood development (0-5), attachment and trauma in young migrant children.
Define la separación traumática y el duelo traumático y describe el impacto en el desarrollo en los jóvenes y niños. Además, los participantes aprenderán cómo responder a las necesidades culturales y lingüísticas de los jóvenes.
Para los niños migrantes pequeños, la separación de los padres, puede peligrosamente agravar y exacerbar estresores traumáticos previos y tener efectos devastadores a corto y largo plazopara ellos.
Describes how the sociocultural context and the experience of migration may impact the experience of STS and outlines specific strategies to strengthen protective factors to prevent, identify, and address STS in the workplace.