The RCIQ was developed to measure PTSD symptomatology and cognitive and affective stress response themes in female adult survivors of childhood incest. The majority of items are worded to refer specifically to the incest or sexual abuse.
The PERQ is designed to assess stressful parental emotional reactions to the sexual abuse of their children.
The DIPA is an interview of caregivers for children from nine months to six years old.
The ROCF assesses perceptual organization and visual memory.
The TSCYC is a 90-item caretaker-report instrument developed for the assessment of trauma-related symptoms in children ages 3-12. It contains two reporter validity scales and eight clinical scales.
The Adolescent Coping Orientation for Problem Behaviors (A-COPE) is a 54 item self-report questionnaire used to identify coping strategies employed by adolescents.
The ACSBI is a screening measure designed for clinical populations to assess sex-related behaviors that might suggest a need for intervention.
KIPS is a structured observation tool to assess parent-child interaction during play. KIPS assesses the parent's (or other significant caregiver's) behavior in the context of the child's needs.
The AQC is a 1-item self-report measure of children’s attachment style that is based on Hazan & Shaver’s (1987) single item measure of adult attachment style.
The CPTSD-I is a structured clinician-administered interview for youths 6 to 18 years old that assesses PTSD symptoms and diagnoses, qualifying event, and current functioning.