Describes developmental, cultural, and clinical aspects of Childhood Traumatic Separation (CTS); similarities and differences between CTS and Childhood Traumatic Grief (CTG); and how evidence-based trauma treatments for CTG can be applied for chil
DIscusses the intersection of complex trauma, development, and culture creates a foundation for effective case planning, treatment, and intervention.
Presents five expert trauma therapists about their experiences and reflective processes while working with children and families who have experienced developmental trauma and come from complex backgrounds in terms of race, ethnicity, culture, and
Provides caregivers guidance on mourning a death of a loved one due to COVID-19.
Provides participants with a comprehensive understanding of the needs and challenges transgender and gender-expansive youth face. This webinar covers basic definitions surrounding gender, gender identity, and gender expression, while creating a learning environment for participants...
Is designed to be read by a supportive adult (parent/caregiver, therapist) to a child (ages 5-10, or as developmentally appropriate) who has engaged in a Not OK touch or problematic sexual behaviors with another child.
Describes aspects of COVID-19-related deaths that can contribute to children’s traumatic stress reactions, with an emphasis on developmental considerations and behavioral health disparities.
Bounce Back is a cognitive-behavioral intervention aimed at relieving symptoms of child traumatic stress, anxiety and functional impairment for elementary school children (ages 5-11).
Real Life Heroes®(RLH) provides therapists with easy-to-use tools including a life storybook, manual, 24 CE credit asynchronous training program, multi-dimensional assessment tools, multi-sensory creative arts activities & psychoeducation reso
TARGET is a strengths-based, present-centered, educational/psychotherapeutic intervention designed to prevent and treat traumatic stress disorders.