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Families and Caregivers

Parents and caregivers play an essential role in helping children and teenagers recover from traumatic events. These resources are for parents, adoptive parents, resource/foster parents, grandparents, caregivers, and all others who care for children and teens. The more caregivers learn about how traumatic events affect their children (whether toddler, school-age, teen, youth, or adult), the more they understand the reasons for their children’s behaviors and emotions, and the better prepared they are to help them cope. When children know that caring adults are working to keep them safe and support them in understanding their reactions to trauma, most can recover and go on to live healthy and productive lives.

NCTSN Resource

Talking with your Children about Islamophobia and Hate-Based Violence

Type: Fact Sheet

Discusses Islamophobia and hate-based violence against Muslims, highlights strategies that parents and caregivers can usd to facilitate effective conversations, offers age-specific guidelines, and provides actions families and communities can take before an event occurs.

NCTSN Resource

Ready to Remember: Jeremy's Journey of Hope and Healing Video

Type: Video

Brings to life the story of Jeremy, a 10-year-old boy, following the tragic death of his father. This video walks you through Jeremy's story and describes his journey as he and his family get help and are able to enjoy happy memories together. This story is read by Liliana Montenegro.

NCTSN Resource

Rosie Remembers Mommy: Forever in Her Heart Video

Type: Video

Brings to life the story of Rosie, a young girl who is struggling after the death of her mother. This video walks you through Rosie's story and illustrates how a parent can provide solace and support to a child after the death of a loved one.

NCTSN Resource

Family Preparedness Wallet Card

Type: Special Resource

Allows families to list important telephone numbers and other information that could be useful in the case of an emergency. Each member of the family should carry these cards with them at all times in case an event occurs and all family members are not together.
