Data at a Glance: Dissociation and PTSD - What Parents Should Know
Provides parents with information about dissociation and PTSD.
Parents and caregivers play an essential role in helping children and teenagers recover from traumatic events. These resources are for parents, adoptive parents, resource/foster parents, grandparents, caregivers, and all others who care for children and teens. The more caregivers learn about how traumatic events affect their children (whether toddler, school-age, teen, youth, or adult), the more they understand the reasons for their children’s behaviors and emotions, and the better prepared they are to help them cope. When children know that caring adults are working to keep them safe and support them in understanding their reactions to trauma, most can recover and go on to live healthy and productive lives.
Provides parents with information about dissociation and PTSD.
Helps learners support children and families through the early years of a child’s life and development.
Offers parents and caregivers a brief checklist to use to determine if a complete assessment for complex trauma should be scheduled. This fact sheet will help parents and caregivers determine when to seek professional help.
Complements the Resource Parent Curriculum (RPC). This course is for resource families who are considering attending a RPC training to help them determine whether it would be worth their time to attend an entire workshop.
Features a trauma-informed caregiver discussing how to partner with a variety of providers including pediatricians.
Encourages providers to share power in the context of trauma-responsive practice.
Helps parents talk to their kids about the disasters they may face and know how best to support them throughout—whether sheltering-in-place at home, evacuating to a designated shelter, or helping your family heal after reuniting.
Defines key terms, including consent and coercion, and offers guidance to parents related to dating violence and sexual assault.
Offers support to parents whose children have been affected by domestic violence. This fact sheet series provides education to support their resilience and recovery.
Provides parents information on how to talk to children about domestic violence. This fact sheet discusses the importance of recognizing and dealing with one's own feelings before talking to children.
Illustrates how a parent can provide solace and support to a child after the death of a loved one.
Provides information to parents and caregivers about keeping children safe online. This fact sheet describes why sexting is not smart and how sexts can be used to hurt or bully.