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Families and Caregivers

Parents and caregivers play an essential role in helping children and teenagers recover from traumatic events. These resources are for parents, adoptive parents, resource/foster parents, grandparents, caregivers, and all others who care for children and teens. The more caregivers learn about how traumatic events affect their children (whether toddler, school-age, teen, youth, or adult), the more they understand the reasons for their children’s behaviors and emotions, and the better prepared they are to help them cope. When children know that caring adults are working to keep them safe and support them in understanding their reactions to trauma, most can recover and go on to live healthy and productive lives.

Partner-In Resource

Turning the Tide: Parenting in the Wake of Past Trauma

Type: Resource Guide

Gives voice to the struggles of parents and caregivers who experienced trauma growing up in their own families. For adults who are living with the painful effects of their own childhood  environment, becoming a parent may introduce a variety of new emotional and functional challenges.

Partner-In Resource

Creando Ambientes de Apoyo Cuando Suceden Hechos Alarmantes

Type: Fact Sheet

Cómo crear ambientes de apoyo cuando ocurren hechos atemorizantes: ofrece orientación para crear ambientes de apoyo para los jóvenes cuando ocurren hechos atemorizantes. Esta hoja informativa incluye información sobre rutinas, ritmos y rituales.

Partner-In Resource

Talking to Teens When Violence Happens

Type: Fact Sheet

Offers guidance on talking with teens when violence happens. This fact sheet includes information on checking in with yourself, clarifying your goal, providing information and options, reflection, asking helpful questions, going slow, labeling emotions, validating, and monitoring media and social media exposure.

Partner-In Resource

Well-being Practices: Gentle Reminders for Times of Stress

Type: Fact Sheet

Offers gentle reminders for well-being practices in times of stress. This fact sheet includes information on welcoming the body's stress response, completing the stress cycle, connection & relationship, emotion skills & practices, and mindfulness & attention.
