Offers information regarding child sex trafficking to juvenille justice professionals.
Focuses on addressing secondary traumatic stress experienced by child welfare staff, easing children’s transitions into foster care, and working with parents who have been impacted by trauma.
Gives supervisors and administrators in the child welfare system the information on the importance of addressing secondary traumatic stress (STS).
Offers child-serving professionals information about secondary traumatic stress (STS).
Summarizes the importance of trauma-informed systems.
Features leading child and adolescent experts speaking about their recommendations for effectively addressing policy challenges in implementing integrated care.
Defines the elements of a trauma-informed child welfare system.
Shows the modern-day manifestations of the intersection of historical, intergenerational, and migration trauma and its compounding impact with present-day traumatic stressors on the parent-child relationship of an indigenous Guatemalan immigrant family.
Educates policymakers about the scope and impact of childhood trauma, offers effective solutions that can be implemented with the support of trauma-informed public policy, and provides information about additional resources.
Highlights the importance of birth parents understanding the serious consequences their trauma histories can have on them and the subsequent potential impact on their parenting.