Highlights the recommendations of the Attorney’s General’s Advisory Committee on American Indian and Alaska Native Children Exposed to Violence.
Introduces a concept of trauma and offers a framework for becoming a trauma-informed organization, system, or service sector.
Reports on the 2012 recommendations from the Attorney General’s National Task Force on Children Exposed to Violence, which was established to recommend ways to prevent, reduce, and treat children’s exposure to violence.
Reviews findings of the National Commission on Children and Disasters, an independent, bipartisan body established by Congress and the President to identify gaps in disaster preparedness, response, and recovery for children and to make recommendat
The following resources on Refugee Trauma were developed by external partners and organizations.
Provides information on the refugee resettlement process in the United States.
Describes the models and services some schools have adopted to better support refugee students affected by trauma.
Provides access to a number of archived webinars including one on supporting unaccompanied children in US schools.
Maintains the nation's largest online collection of resources related to refugee and immigrant children and families, with a goal to increase the sharing of information and collaboration among refugee-serving and mainstream agencies at the local,
Provides tools, resources, and support for health and mental health providers in order to better meet the needs of refugees in resettlement.