Offers information on childhood traumatic grief. This fact sheet provides descriptions of childhood traumatic grief, normal or typical grief, and what to do for childhood traumatic grief.
Features the Network’s data collection initiatives that included the collection and analysis of data from over 19,000 children served by NCTSN centers.
Describes the complex trauma and mental health of children placed in foster care among NCTSN care recipients as well as policy recommendations.
Demonstrates intervention strategies with children and adults after a terrorist event or disaster.
Offers information about complex trauma. This fact sheet details the impact of complex trauma, the effects of complex trauma, the long-term health consequences, and the economic impact of complex trauma.
Provides guidance on responding to disaster, terrorism, or violence events that occur at a school using the Psychological First Aid for Schools intervention.
Offers guidance to school staff, administrators, and educators about the importance of planning for a September 11th anniversary.
Provides information about building community resilience, helping communities improve their capacity to respond effectively to natural or man-made disasters or acts of terrorism.
Summarizes the NCSTN's response to the September 11th attacks and includes an introduction to the NCTSN and NCTSN 9/11-related activities.
Describes the need for an integrated system of care for youth with traumatic stress and substance use disorders.